The Command Prompt in Windows provides access to over 280 commands! These commands are used to do certain operating system tasks from a command line interface instead of the graphical Windows interface we use most of the time. It's important to know that the commands in Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP are called CMD commands or Command Prompt commands, and the commands in Windows 98/95 and MS-DOS are called DOS commands.

You don’t need to know all of the Command Prompt commands to find some use in it. These are our favorites and some of the ones we consider the most useful.

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Hide Unhide Folders

Supposing that you hide the important files and folders in your computer by means of downloaded software, you can think about hiding them by using the built-in Command Prompt. Moreover, after they are hidden through CMD, they can be displayed again. And this text will show you how to hide or unhide files and folders with CMD immediately.

Attrib +h +s +r /s /d *.* is The Code to Hide All Files.

To Unhide Files, Type :

Attrib -h -s -r /s /d *.*

For more Details: click here

Matrix Style CMD Screen

You can create this by using notepad easily. Green colored numbers randomly goes up repeatedly.

Steps :

First open notepad.
Win key + R then Enter
Type notepad now Enter

Then type These codes.

For more Details: click here

CMD Path Options

The Code

For more Details: click here

CMD Folder and File Options

1. Make a Folder

The Code
md folder

2. Rename a folder

The Code
rename "folder name" "new name"

3. Delete a folder

The Code

4. View list of all files in a folder

The Code

5. Change extension of a file

The Code

6. Hide folders and files

The Code
attrib +h +s +r /s /d

7. Show folders and files

The Code

attrib -h -s -r /s /d

For more Details: click here


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