Folder and File Options
1. Make a Folder
There will be created a folder after type the code and typing Enter key.
The Code
md folder
2. Rename a folder
You can rename a folder by type the code and typing Enter key.
The Code
rename "folder name" "new name"
3. Delete a folder
You can delete a folder by type the code and typing Enter key.
The Code
rename "file name with extension" "file name with new extension"
4. View list of all files in a folder
You will be able to all list if files and the folder after type the code and typing Enter key.
The Code
5. Change extension of a file
rename "file name with extension" "file name with new extension"
You can change extension of any file in the folder after type the code and typing Enter key.
The Code
6. Hide folders and files
You can hide files or folders after type the code and typing Enter key.
The Code
attrib +h +s +r /s /d
7. Show folders and files
You can get visible hidden files or folders after type the code and typing Enter key.
The Code
attrib -h -s -r /s /d
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